Can I Help?
Yes! We need volunteers!
From September 27-29, 2024, thousands of Cub Scouts, Scouts, Venturing Scouts, and Sea Scouts from Colorado and surrounding states will descend upon McNeil Scout Ranch in Elbert, Colorado for three days of Scouting fun, exhibits, challenging activities, competitions, entertainment, and fellowship.
Sign Up To Volunteer!Open Volunteer Jobs
Chair Out of Council Units
Chair Out of Council Units
Chair Three Rivers District
Chair Three Rivers District
Chair Arena Show Logistics
Chair Arena Show Logistics
Cub Hercules Hurdles Lead
Responsible for the Hercules Hurdles (Cub Scout Experience). Lead Event Staffer for this event in Cub Scout Experience (CSE). Will work with Chair Myrmidon Mudder. Lead Event Staffer for this event in Cub Scout Experience (CSE). Responsible for identifying event staff shifts and gathering volunteers for both Older and Cub Scout locations. Responsible for identifying required staff certifications. Responsible for ensuring volunteer event staff meet requirements. Responsible for staffing entirety of event. Responsible for providing any safety concerns to the Safety team so they make appropriate plans regarding event. Responsible for identifying rules for event and ensuring volunteer staff event are properly prepared to assist.
Cub Wrist Rockets Lead
Responsible for Wrist Rocket event for Cub Scouts. Lead event staffer for this activity. Responsible for identifying event staff shifts and gathering volunteers. Responsible for identifying required staff certifications. Responsible for ensuring volunteer event staff meet requirements. Responsible for staffing entirety of event. Responsible for providing any safety concerns to the Safety team so they make appropriate plans regarding event. Responsible for identifying rules for event and ensuring volunteer staff event are properly prepared to assist.
Archery Lead
Archery Team
Rifle Lead
Responsible for Rifle event for Older Youth. Lead event staffer for this activity. Responsible for identifying event staff shifts and gathering volunteers. Responsible for identifying required staff certifications. Responsible for ensuring volunteer event staff meet requirements. Responsible for staffing entirety of event. Responsible for providing any safety concerns to the Safety team so they make appropriate plans regarding event. Responsible for identifying rules for event and ensuring volunteer staff event are properly prepared to assist.
Shotguns Lead
Responsible for Shotgun event for Older youth. Lead event staffer for this activity. Responsible for identifying event staff shifts and gathering volunteers. Responsible for identifying required staff certifications. Responsible for ensuring volunteer event staff meet requirements. Responsible for staffing entirety of event. Responsible for providing any safety concerns to the Safety team so they make appropriate plans regarding event. Responsible for identifying rules for event and ensuring volunteer staff event are properly prepared to assist.
Mountain Biking Lead
Lead mountain biking activities for cubs and older youth
Parking Chair
parking lead